Tag Archive: Blogging

How to Be a More Productive Blogger

At its core blogging is about sharing ideas and personal opinions. While bloggers may have ideas bouncing all over the place, a crucial choking point is trying to convey those ideas from our mind to paper.

Blogging typically requires generating loads of content, so if we can find a way to create that content at a more efficient pace it only makes our job that much easier.
Below are 5 action items we can follow to become more productive bloggers.

Create an idea list

Great ideas can spawn anytime, and we need to make sure we have a system to capture those eureka moments before they slip away. Whether you use a sophisticated application like Evernote or just pen and paper, come up with a set way to store blogging ideas and reference it when you are ready to create.

Focus on one article at a time

When it is time to actually write an article, focus on one at a time. While it may be tempting to flip back and forward as ideas pop into the head, it actually makes the final product take longer, while dropping the quality at the same time.

Outline your article

As useless as I thought creating outlines in English class were, I have never found them so important and useful as I do now.

Outlines allow us to visually see all pieces of an article and how we can best craft it together. In relation to blogging, an outline also makes it easier to see where we can link to other articles from our blog and insert any appropriate affiliate links.

Finally, an outline will let us know if the idea is actually meaty enough to be a full fledge article as sometimes the ideas in our head turn out not to be so grand or in-depth when we break it down onto paper.

Write all the way through the article before editing

When putting together an article you may be tempted to stop and go back earlier into the work to fix or add onto something, but that just ends of breaking the current concentration or flow of the article.

Write all the way through the article once, and then edit, remove, and add stuff as you see fit.

Create a checklist for post-article publication

Whether you submit your articles to social bookmarking sites, social networks, or email distribution lists, create a set checklist of tasks that should be done once an article is published.
Perhaps you could even pawn those tedious tasks out to somebody else, and by writing them out it makes it easier to share what needs to be done.

Wrapping it all together

Regardless of where we are trying to improve our productivity, creating a defined list of tasks or action items to follow is a great way to master that activity and achieve increased efficiency.

The less we make our brain focus on administrative tasks, the more free it is to be creative.

If you want to be a more productive blogger, stop thinking about quantity, focus on one article at a time, and rinse and repeat. Before you know it, you will be spitting out great content faster than ever before.

Whatever industry you happen to be in, you want to stand out from the crowd and be unique, and not give the impression that your online presence is just a slightly modified cut and paste job. Of course, if you’re depending on a pre-built content management framework like WordPress for the core of your blog or website, then that could prevent your online presence from truly standing out.

So, in this article I’ll run through 10 fairly straightforward ways that a beginning developer or blogger can customize their WordPress theme to ensure it doesn’t “look like a blog” — at least to a certain degree. Keep in mind that the goal here is not to hide the fact that a website is using WordPress — that’s quite difficult, if not impossible. The ultimate goal here is to help your website have a seamless, consistent, look and feel that does not necessarily scream “WordPress-driven” from the instant the home page loads up.

NOTE: These tips are for beginning WP developers who are coding themes for their own site, or experimenting with theme development. Most likely, these tips would not apply to custom downloaded themes that are pre-built and probably already have many of these customizations.

1. Customize Your Sidebar and Keep it Consistent

The sidebar in WordPress is a dead “giveaway” when a user visits your site. The sidebar will have default titles like “Blogroll”, “Categories” and “Archives”. You can easily change the text of these titles, and which sections are displayed, by editing the sidebar.php file in the theme directory. Also, WordPress displays a different sidebar depending on what page of the site you’re on, which can also be changed. I personally prefer to display virtually the same sidebar on all pages, to keep the site consistent.

Even if you’re not familiar with PHP, WordPress code is very developer-friendly, and easy to work with. A simple knowledge of how functions are called and how to open and close if statements is often more than enough to help you customize some of the sidebar code.

Also, you can easily duplicate and customize certain sidebar sections. Look at the sidebar here on Impressive Webs: You’ll notice there’s a list for “Articles” and “Tutorials”. This is done by duplicating the “categories” section and controlling what categories are displayed using parameters inside the function call for that particular section.

Check out the WordPress Codex for further information on customizing category listings.

2. Use “Decategorizer” Plugin for Cleaner URLs

One of the most obvious ways to customize the look of your blog’s urls is to use clean permalinks, rather than the default querystring driven url structure. But that’s an obvious one. No self-respecting blogger would fail to enable custom urls, which can be done easily through the WP dashboard.

But one thing you cannot do through the dashboard is remove the word “category” from links that point to specific categories on your site. That’s where Decategorizer comes in handy. This excellent plugin, which I’m using here on Impressive Webs, will strip the word “category” out of your WordPress urls, leaving a much cleaner experience, taking away the “blog” look and contributing to a more customized, branded feel for your website. Decategorizer will also automatically create 301 redirection for all your old category links, and works with subcategories.

The Decategorizer plugin had a few bugs, which have recently been corrected, and also requires that you install the Redirection plugin, for Decategorizer to work properly.

Be sure to read carefully the documentation and installation instructions for these plugins to ensure they are installed and functioning as expected.

3. Customize Metadata for Individual Posts

Every post has “metadata” contained inside of paragraph tags at the bottom of each blog post. This data is generated dynamically through the loop that pulls your content out of the database. You can easily edit, delete, or modify any of these pieces of data that are displayed with each entry, which can be found inside of the index.php file in your theme directory. The default look for the metadata section looks like this in WordPress 2.7.1:

  1. <p class=”postmetadata”><?php the_tags(‘Tags: ‘, ‘, ‘, ‘<br />’); ?> Posted in <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?> | <?php edit_post_link(‘Edit’, ”, ‘ | ‘); ?>  <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments »’, ‘1 Comment »’, ‘% Comments »’); ?></p>  
<p><?php the_tags('Tags: ', ', ', '<br />'); ?> Posted in <?php the_category(', ') ?> | <?php edit_post_link('Edit', '', ' | '); ?>  <?php comments_popup_link('No Comments »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »'); ?></p>

By editing the above section of code, you can choose to display only comments and categories, and even alter the characters that are displayed. For example the » will display ». You have the option to remove those characters and use something more appropriate for your site’s look.

4. Disable Comments (Not Recommended)

This is not necessarily something I would recommend, since user-contributed comments are a huge part of the blogging world, however, it should definitely be pointed out that removing the “Post a Comment” section at the bottom of every post would be a sure-fire way to adjust your blog to ensure a more customized look and feel.

While this would contribute to a “non-blog” atmosphere on your website, it is highly recommended that you keep user comments open and instead customize the look of the comment area. Of course, if you’re using WordPress purely as a content management system for developing pages instead of “blog posts” then this would be an obvious choice, and would make more sense.

5. Don’t Use “Tags” or a “Tag Cloud” (Not Recommended)

Again, while this customization option is not necessarily recommended, it is certainly an effective way to customize your blog so that it does not resemble every other WordPress installation on the World Wide Web. “Tags” are keywords that you can add to individual posts in your WordPress dashboard. They are similar to categories, but provide a wider interrelationship between posts.

Tags associated with a particular post allow users to click on certain keywords to view more entries related to that keyword, similar to clicking on a specific category. Tags also provide SEO benefits, as they help Google and blog directories properly categorize your blog’s pages. So, while you do have the option to avoid using tags on your posts, thereby ensuring a cleaner look to your website, be aware of the drawbacks of doing so.

For simplicity, I personally do not use tags on Impressive Webs. I like each post to be associated with 1-3 categories, and nothing more. That’s just a personal preference to keep the content the primary focus. I prefer to attract users who will actually read the content, as opposed to the ones that are click-happy and bookmark everything.

6. Change the Default Display of the Title Bar Content

The header.php file in WordPress’s default theme has a title bar that is coded like this:

  1. <title><?php wp_title(‘&laquo;’, true, ‘right’); ?> <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></title>  
<title><?php wp_title('&laquo;', true, 'right'); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>

Once again, you can see the « character that is highly overused in the web development industry. (Not to mention that it’s actually a left quotation mark for french text!) You can replace that character with a different one, and even change the way the page titles are displayed.

You’ll notice there’s a function called wp_title that holds 3 parameters (including the « character). The third parameter tells WordPress where to display the post title — to the left or to the right of your blog name.

You also have the option to remove the function that displays your blog’s name, and instead just manually enter a more keyword-friendly title. The blog name that displays in your Dashboard under “settings” will still display your official blog name on RSS readers.

7. Use the “Pages” Sidebar Section as Your Main Navigation

While I’ve already discussed a little bit about the sidebar, it’s worth mentioning separately that the “pages” section of the sidebar can easily serve as your main navigation bar. At first glance, nobody will even notice that this has been done.

In the default WP theme, here’s the code that generates the “pages” section of the sidebar, found in sidebar.php:

  1. <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>’ ); ?>  
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>' ); ?>

Simply take that piece of code and place it wherever you want your main navigation to display. Of course, you’ll have to style it to your liking, in line with your theme’s look. And most likely you’ll want to remove the title of that section. You can do that by simply removing everything after the equals sign in the single parameter, so it will look like this:

  1. <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’ ); ?>  
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=' ); ?>

Use the WordPress Codex to see other ways to customize the look of the page list in the default wordpress theme.

8. Don’t Call Your Website a “Blog”

Okay, this is not really a WordPress tip, per se. It’s more of a marketing recommendation for the purpose of more effective branding in conjunction with a site that just happens to use WordPress as its engine. Serious websites that provide significant content are viewed as “communities” or “resources”, instead of “blogs”. The word “blog” nowadays is probably more appropriate for individuals who post thoughts and musings on various personal and professional topics.

If you have long-term plans for your website, and would like to expand it into a thriving online community that is respected and recognized in your industry, then you need to view it that way from the start, and communicate that atmosphere to your users — even if you are starting out small and really are just a single “blogger” posting thoughts and musings on relevant industry matters.

9. Remove or Customize Default Text and Title Attributes

While I’ve already touched on the customization of a few text elements of the default WordPress theme, there are other little text snippets that can be edited, removed, or appended to. An obvious example is the “Powered by WordPress” section in the footer. Your website’s footer seems simple, but it is potentially a significant part of your site’s look, feel, and overall image.

There are also title attributes that are embedded in anchor tags throughout the site. Here is one example, found in the index.php file:

  1. <h2><a href=”<?php the_permalink() ?>” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>”><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>  
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>

The code above is the section that will display the title of each post listed on your home page. The title attribute in the anchor tag has the super-obvious text of “Permanent link to …” and then the PHP function that spits out the title. You can modify this and other default text that appears throughout your WP theme.

10. Use “Nice Search” Plugin for Clean Search URLs

Nice Search is a very simple plugin that makes searches performed on your website look less “WordPress-y” and more like a custom search engine installed on your website. According to the author’s website:

“This is a really simple plugin that redirects your WordPress searches (?s=search-term) to the pretty-looking URI version: /search/search-term, and also converts spaces (%20) to plus symbols.”

Although this plugin has not been updated in some time, I do have it successfully running on WordPress 2.6.3 on another website, so it seems to be compatible with some of the more recent versions of WordPress.


I hope beginning WP theme developers, and possibly some intermediates, found these tips helpful. Most of this is compiled from my own personal, and somewhat limited experience with WordPress and PHP, so I’m sure there’s lots I’ve missed, and lots where I’ve simply stated the obvious.

I hope some of these tips will encourage “bloggers” to develop a more customized and branded look and feel to their site, allowing them to break free from blogging conformity.

When I started blogging, like most I didn’t really have a clue what I was doing and so inevitably I made many blogging mistakes, some of which I am going to share with you today.

I don’t mind making the mistakes now as I have learned how to drain the knowledge out of them from them. This is an essential ingredient to being successful. Making mistakes and LEARNING from them.

I want you to learn from my blogging mistakes so that you won’t have to go through them yourself.

[Advance Warning] It will be smart to bookmark and share this article.

Blogging Mistake 1


People blog for all reasons, but if you want to make money from your blog you need to carefully select the niche in which your blog is going to exist.

Not selecting a niche will mean you are not attracting the people you want to your content, this will lead to you not making any money from blog at all.

Your content will be all over the place as you wont have 1 place to give your full attention.

Selecting your niche means you will be able to focus your blogging content exactly the information that your niche needs.

Solution – Find a niche which you will be able to talk about for a long time. Find a niche which people (apart from yourself) is interested in. Make sure the niche has people who spend money in it (the more of these there are, the better).

Blogging Mistake 2


With out keyword research you are just hoping your content will turn up on the 1st page of Google. And you maybe right. It probably will. But it wont be there on any keywords that matter or any keywords that are being searched for. In all this will be pointless.

With your niche selected you will want to find all the keywords which people interested in your niche are using to search with. The more of these you have the more valuable your content will be to your readers, and the more targeted your SEO traffic will be.

Solution – Use Market Samurai to help you find the best keywords for your niche.

Blogging Mistake 3


From the very start of your blog you have the ability to set your blog up to be SEO friendly.

Having the right permalinks set up or having SEO plug-ins (if your theme doesn’t already come SEO friendly), makes a valued difference to your on-page SEO. The more help you can give the SERPs in finding your content the better it is for you.

Solution – Check out this article The Definitive Guide To Higher Rankings For Your Blog.

Blogging Mistake 4


An ideal situation will be to have fresh, keyword rich content published on your blog 1-5 times a day. The SERPs will send bots to sit on your blog and wait for you to hit the publish button. Your content will be indexed in minutes.

However, I live in the real world and I know doing just 1 blog post a day can be very demanding. But you should aim to do at least 2-3 blog post a week.

People expect to see change when they come to a blog. If your blog has not been updated from when they were last there they will think that you are not a serious blogger and they may not return.

The search engine bots will also put your blog on a ‘non-urgent’ list. Not a good list to be on.

Solution – Set a realistic blogging schedule. You will need to set aside time for research, idea development and editing. With a schedule you will know what you need to work on and when, instead of just sitting down at your computer starring blankly at the screen.

Blogging Mistake 5


There are 3 kinds of traffic. Paid, SEO and social media. You can do all 3 or you can just do 1 of the 3, but doing 0 will get you 0.

Unless your name is Lady Gaga there is no way you can set up a blog and leave it to its own devices. You have to let (the right) people know that your blog exist and it has great content on it, otherwise it will become the best blog in the world which no one reads.

Solution – Find a marketing method which suits your time, budget and blog (PPC is a very expensive way to generate traffic for your blog). Once you have a method which is producing traffic for you, get it to run as automatically as possible then move onto the next traffic generation method.

Blogging Mistake 6


I am guilt as charged with this one.

Off-page SEO (the more powerful kind) is based on your keyword selection and volume of backlinks you have pointing back to your blog. (I really need to get more quality backlinks (note to self)).

Now, not all backlinks are the same. If you got 1 backlink from apple.com it would be worth 100+ times more than a backlink from a newly created blog or article directory.

Apple.com have a PR 9 which is extremely high. Most new blogs or article directories have a PR 0. The link juice difference is huge. The higher the PR the better the juice.

Solution – Find as many high PR site (PR 5 and above), which are related to your niche and get a backlink from them.

Blogging Mistake 7


This is a huge mistake. Other bloggers especially those who are more successful than you have valuable information which they will only be to happy to share with you.

This information will cut your learning blogging curve in half if not more than half.

The better the at blog network you get the more traffic you will acquire.

Solution – Network with more successful bloggers than you, become their fan. What you get back in return will be priceless.

Blogging Mistake 8


Your crazy to leave this highly important money making stage off.

The relationship you have with your list is what will take your blog to the next level.

These people will be your loyal followers, supporters and customers.

Solution – Start building your list now. Use Aweber to assist you with it.

Blogging Mistake 9


Selling good products or services to your readers is doing them a good deed.

You should only be selling them what they need and what you truly believe will help them get what they want.

If you have a good relationship with your list / readers there will be a lot of money to be made here. More so if you create and sell your own products.

Solution – Get to know who your readers really are. Find / create  products which will really help them get what they want.

Blogging Mistake 10


Your blog will not bring you riches over night.

Treat you blog like a newborn child. Nurture it, treat it well, look after it and in time it will grow into a successful value giving, money making, blog.

Solution – Create a 1 year, 3 year 5 – 10 year plan for your blog. This will give you further vision and a stronger will to carry on.

And there you have it. 10 massive blogging mistakes.

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