Category: Personal Views

A tagline can make or break a website (well, maybe not, but it is cool to be dramatic). Below you will find a collection of the best taglines around the Internet. Some of them are funny, some are clever; but all of them deliver the message! Hopefully it will serve as inspiration.

  1. The Straight Dope: Fighting Ignorance since 1973 (It’s taking longer than we thought).
  2. Maxim Philippines: The best thing that ever happened to men … after women!
  3. The Consumerist: Shoppers bite back.
  4. Random Acts of Reality: Trying to kill as few people as possible…
  5. Joshuaink: Same old shit, different day.
  6. The Superficial: Because you’re ugly.
  7. Smashing Magazine: We smash you with information that will make your life easier. Really.
  8. The Best Page in the Universe: This page is about me and why everything I like is great. If you disagree with anything you find on this page, you are wrong.
  9. Scaryduck: Not scary. Not a duck.
  10. The Art of Rhysisms: Chronologically inept since 2060.
  11. We are the Internet equivalent of a triple espresso with whipped cream. Mmmm…whipped cream.
  12. Ample Sanity: Life is short. Make fun of it.
  13. The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom – a load of stuff by Joel Veitch that will probably crush your will to live.
  14. The Breakfast Blog: In search of the best eggs in town.
  15. Dooce: Not even remotely funny.
  16. Pink is the new blog: Everybody’s business is my business.
  17. Shoemoney: Skills to pay the bills.
  18. Oh No They Didnt’t!: The celebrities are disposable, the content is priceless.
  19. YouTube: Broadcast Yourself.
  20. Waiter Rant: Do you want Pommes Frite with that?
  21. Newshounds: We watch FOX so you don’t have to.
  22. Sabrina Faire: All the fun of a saucy wench, none of the overpriced beer.
  23. Defective Yeti: A maze of twisty passages, all alike.
  24. All About George: All about George Kelly… you know, if you go in for that sort of thing.
  25. Go Fug Yourself: Fugly is the new pretty.
  26. Home of fine hypertext products.
  27. Slashdot: News for nerds. Stuff that matters.
  28. Gawker: Daily Manhattan media news and gossip. Reporting live from the center of the universe.
  29. Get Rich Slowly: Personal finance that makes cents.
  30. hi5: Who’s in?
  31. Fotolog: Share your world with the world.
  32. Jezebel: Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women, Without Aribrushing.
  33. Autoblog: We obssessibely cover the auto industry.
  34. Boing Boing: A directory of wonderful things.
  35. Perez Hilton: Celebrity Juice. Not from concentrate.
  36. DumbLittleMan: So what do we do here? Well, it’s simple. 15 to 20 times per week we provide tips that will save you money, increase your productivity, or simply keep you sane.
  37. Lifehacker: Don’t live to geek, geek to live!
  38. Gizmodo: The gadget guide. So much in love with shiny new toys, it’s unnatural.
  39. John Cow Dot Com: Make Moooney Online with John Cow Dot Com
  40. WebWorkerDaily: Rebooting the workforce.
  41. The Simple Dollar: Financial talk for the rest of us.
  42. TrafficBunnies: Making your hits multiply like rabbits.
  43. Mighty Girl: Famous among dozens.
  44. The Sneeze: Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions.
  45. Buzz Marketing: Because everyone is entitled to my opinion.

Your favorite tagline is not here? Just post a comment and I will update the list.


Energy is the most important sources for economic growth of a country. Unfortunately Pakistan has to face a major energy crisis in Natural gas, Power and Oil in next two to three years. This would delay the Economy of Pakistan (which is already in complexity). The high cost of the import of Oil, Construction of Big Dams, uncertain regional security environment attached with lack of national agreement to build dams are likely to delay quick resolution of energy crises. This energy deficit will lead to inflation. Similarly subsidies of billions of rupees have to be doped out “Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA)” to bear loses. This would affect the national exchequer heavily.

An Energy Crisis is threatening large in upcoming years. There is an expected short fall up to 50% because of increase in demand and supply gas up to 3,000 MW. Pakistan’s total energy requirement would increase by 48% to 80 million tons of oil equivalent in 2011.

Pakistan energy sector comprises of major sources with share of 50.4% of gas, followed by oil 29%, hydro electricity 11%, and coal 7.6%. Consequently, Pakistan imports energy to overcome the problem and maintain standard of living of people. The major shortfall is expected in natural gas supplies. Pakistan had 28 trillion cubic feet reserves of natural gas in 2006 but due to increase in its demand it is expected to be exhausted in next two decades.

Pakistan has a huge demand to generate power through oil but we can meet only 20% of our requirement through original production and rest of oil is imported from Gulf States and other countries of world. No major oil field so far has been discovered in last three decades. Oil demand is expected to double by 2015 and quadruple by 2025. This would lead to a amazing trade shortage, and growing of general prices.

Pakistan has a total hydro potential of 40,000 MW against which it generates only 6500 MW. If the dams are not built there would be short fall of 40 million acre feet of water by the year 2006 and 108 million acre feet by 2013. Consequently power shortage will be up to 11,750 MV per year. It will affect agricultural, industry, and particularly the storage capacity of Mangla, Terbela and Chashma Dams will be reduced due to mud deposits.

Pakistan has world’s seven largest reserves of coal after discovery of THAR. These reserves are still untouched due to lack of technique in coal mining. Similarly solar and wind energy in coastal areas of Baluchistan and Sindh have a lot of potential to generate electricity but acquisition of technology at an enormous cost makes this a unbelievable source. Pakistan has only two nuclear plants providing two percent of electricity to our country. Population explosion is another cause of energy crises.

The government should make strategies to overcome the energy crises. The government plans to generate 7880 MW electricity by 2011 out of it 4860 MW is to be generated by firing natural gas. It should maximize the utilization of hydroelectric resources through building of dams such as KALABAGH DAM, BHASHA DAM etc. to produce cheap electricity. It should improve relations with international and Regional Corporation. It should activate in THAR coal project with the assistance of china to address energy crises. It should obtain new policies to overcome the problem through renewable energy resources: i.e. Solar, Wind and Tidal energy.

It should take positive steps to finalize international gas pipe line projects i.e. IPI (India, Pakistan, Iran) Gas pipe line project which meet the needs of gas demands of Pakistan and possibly India.

It should make effort to fulfill the project with TURKEMANISTAN and AFGHANISTAN gas pipe line which was floated by TURKEMANISTAN in 1991 to meet the demands of gas for Pakistan. Similarly a Sharjah based company initiated and sponsored a gas import project through an offshore pipe line from QATAR TO PAKISTAN IN 1990 but it is still under consideration.


At present Pakistan is pursuing a multidimensional pro-longed strategy to ensure adequate and uninterrupted oil and gas supply and other energy resources to sustain the present pattern of energy for the rapid national economic growth. Greater reliance on gas, aggressive pursuit of hydroelectric power generation, and enhancing nuclear power generation capacity are some of the key elements of this strategy.

Pakistan is also seeking to expand its primary energy supply base by encouraging oil exploration and power generation companies to undertake energy project in Pakistan. The regional gas pipe line projects in which Pakistan is actively pursuing to meet its expanding domestic energy demands.

These are the prerequisite for resolving energy crises that, unless resolved promptly, would cast a long shadow on the short and medium term objectives of economic growth and development.

we are here to share our problems and express what should we do better despite common family/in-laws problems.

Conflicts are a part of family life. Many issues can lead to conflict, such as illness, disability, addiction, job loss, school difficulties and marital problems. Listening to each other and working to resolve conflicts are important in strengthening the family.

Lady Driving – Old Car

Today’s picture was taken in 1907. I looking through lots of pictures this week, I am surprised to find how many picture ladies driving.


Perhaps driving at this time was a popular past time for well-to-do ladies.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Today’s picture was submitted by Charles Leck. It is a picture of his father, taken in about 1917. He was born in the Bronx to German parents. In the picture he is in training in Texas. He was sent overseas to fight the Germans in World War I. This was somewhat awkward, as it was the homeland of his parents.
Also today we feature this picture submitted by Donald Farr. It is a picture of his father and sister. His father was stationed at the Pentagon during World War II.