Are you ones of those people who loves to keep up with the trends on Twitter? I’m not, but everyday I hear at least 10 people mentioning “Twitter trends” in one of their tweets, so I know it’s important to many Twitter users. Well, if you’re one that likes to stay “in the know” on Twitter, here are some useful sites for doing so.

Breaking Tweets

Here you can see the latest world news Twitter style. You can view featured categories, recent and popular stories. Breaking Tweets has integrated Tweetmeme to make it easier to share the news on Twitter. When you click on an item, it goes to the actual post and not the tweet so, there’s no extra clicking from site to site.

reTweet Radar

Here you can view trends for days! This site displays current trends, yesterday’s trends and if that isn’t enough you can dig into the trend archives. How are these trends determined? By retweets of course. You can also see the top retweeted users and top retweeted links. So as you can see, all those retweets going around really do come in handy.

Finding trends in the mountains of info retweeted on Twitter.


This site shows you what’s happening at this very moment on Twitter according to hashtags used in tweets. You can view trends, tags and people. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in one of those areas, there’s a search box that will come in handy. Those hashtags may not be important on Twitter search but they are here.

Twidentify Twitter Search

This is a search engine that allows you to conduct searches on Twitter influence, related conversations, and Twitter trends. You can search for more than one term at once by separating them with commas. You’re then presented with a graph for the week showing you how each search term compares to the other. You can also hide search terms from your graph if you change your mind.

Search for Twitter trends on Twidentify Twitter Search.

Tweet Volume

Plain and simple, this site lets you search for up to five keywords or phrases at a time in order to see how often they appear on Twitter. The results are displayed in a very easy to read multicolored bar graph with the most talked about topic, of course, being the highest bar.


Here you can “browse the Twittosphere”. The most popular discussed topics within the past 24 hours are displayed underneath the search bar. Results are displayed in a Twitter-like fashion. You can see your search term in status updates only, retweets only, links only or questions. If you want to see them all at once, you can do that on the “all” tab. For each tweet displayed, you can reply to it or retweet it. The timeline is also updated in real-time so no need to refresh the page.

Tweetag - Browse the Twittosphere.


As covered  a few months ago here on Blogging Tips, this is another Twitter trend timeline updated in real-time. If the timeline moves too fast for you or you don’t like the color, you can change the settings to suite your preferences. If I were one to keep up with trends, this would definitely be one of my favorites.

What the Trend?

This site doesn’t just show you what is trending on Twitter, it gives you an explanation as to why it’s trending — interesting concept. When you click on a hashtag it shows you the latest tweets, news and photos relating to that tag. You can go down the list or use the search bar to find a specific trend.

Find out why terms are trending on Twitter.

Of course, you can always just use Twitter search or Twitter — since they’ve now implemented Twitter search on the actual site. What is your favorite way to keep up with trending topics on Twitter?